Finding a hair salon is easy, as a matter of fact when you look around Davao City they are sprouting like mushrooms with a promise of great services and are well priced. I had my fair share of terrible haircut, burnt scalp, colour goes awry
But for me, choosing a good salon can be a challenge. There is so much to consider, whether you are looking for someplace to get your hair done or even make-up. I usually rely on recommendations, reviews, ask questions and observe as well as salon consultations to help me decide.
Recently, I bumped into my friend, who is one of Davao’s premier event hosts, Stand-up comedian, TV, and Radio personality, Bam Petilos, and told her that I recently had a hard time looking for a salon that would truly meet my needs. I also asked her about the catchy Regati Salon’s radio jingle, with a tagline that says, “ A salon that makes you glow”, played in almost all radio stations with a singing voice that’s similar to her. While confirming that she sang the jingle, she recommended the salon as well.

I know her to be too cautious about endorsements, and is not too keen of subscribing to the celebrity endorsement theory, yet as she walked me through Regati Salon at the 2nd floor of Bormaheco Bldg at J.P. Laurel Street and eventually met the owner, Ms. Remie Gamutan Timbreza and her lovely daughter, Ms. May Timbreza Ngsuy, I had a change of heart.

She was accommodating, humble and shared so many stories that made you feel at home. Regati comes from the first two letters of her name, and like me, she admitted that she had bad experiences with choosing a salon that she ended up owning one and putting people that she trusted the most.
To help you to fine-tune your next salon shopping here are some things to consider when choosing one.
- Spend a minute checking out the salon’s interior, cleanliness or if it’s organized. The look that worn by clients leaving the salon, are they happy faces? Because if not then cross it out on your list.
- Find the right hairstylist, who is experienced with hair types. Don’t discriminate, but assess your potential hairstylist. Look at the stylist’s hair- the way it’s cut and styled, and use what you see as a basis for thinking about the kind of hairstyle they’re likely to give you. Regati has two Senior hairstylist Jay Maghanoy and Ellie Aberilla, both are capable and well-trained and I leave the salon with a smile on my face, excited about my new cut.
- The friendly and happy atmosphere, with employees seem helpful towards each other, then the salon is likely to be a positive work environment.
- A good Salon should provide a wide range of services including, intensive spa treatments, keratin treatment, balayage, manicure, facials, among others.
- And since we all are required to make regular visits to salons to enhance our beauty, and because my beauty budget is always stretched thin, choose a salon that is worth the money. What I usually do is confirm the cost of service when I make my appointment. At Regati, the treatment and service rates is way too reasonable, its wallet-friendly and a salon to go to if you want good service but have a strict budget. Remember to always go for quality service at reasonable prices.
The things mentioned here are some helpful tips you should think about when salon shopping. But you need to bear in mind that these ideas will give you a starting point for culling the number of hair salon options.